Why performance development consultancy?
Many of our clients have come to us frustrated that sales and/or service performance are not happening in the way they would like in their business. They have unanswered questions such as: "Why aren't our people doing what we want them to do? We've given them some training, but they still aren't getting it right. What else can we do to get them to perform in the way we would like them to perform?"
The answer lies in a robust Performance Development Cycle to address the specific development needs of the organisation and people in it, however, this is rarely fully utilised. Often, training deals with gaps in knowledge, but less emphasis is given to developing the essential skills and the attidudes necessary for performance excellence. Often, even less emphasis is placed on making sure people have the right environment in which to perform. It's little wonder that training initiatives can sometimes fall short.
How can PDT Help?
PDT identify and help you to implement, immediate, practical and cost-effective steps to provide your people with the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and the environment they need to perform and excel.
The Performance Development Cycle begins with our robust 5-step Performance Analysis Process, where we'll find out what your people are currently doing on the sales and service front and help you to be sure about what you want them to do to meet the challenges faced by your business. We'll then support you to design, develop, deliver and evaluate the performance solutions that will bridge the gaps.